Seth Speaks Improv to Improve: A Primer for Career ClimbersLocation: Toastmasters D46 Annual Conference Recorded: May 2022. . . Synopsis: You can elevate your career by adopting an adaptive mindset through the practice of improv (not the funny kind, but the fun kind for business). Improve Your Team’s Performance with Lessons from Bad ArtLocation: Unlimited Agility Conference (Virtual)Recorded: November 2021. . . Synopsis: Life is a journey of discovery with the intent to learn from anything and everything that comes our way. With that warrior spirit, I’ve created a presentation that explains what bad artwork teach us about good teamwork. No Guts, No GloryLocation: PepsiCo Headquarters, White Plains, NY Recorded: June 2021 . . .Synopsis: You already have the confidence to speak in public. Use these techniques to connect with your inner ham. Make Your Future Self ProudLocation: District 46 Toastmasters Annual Conference, New York, NY Recorded: May 2019 . . .Synopsis: To advance in your career you need to make bold choices. Choose to become a leader today in order to make your future self proud. Improv to Improve: From Player to CaptainLocation: NSPE’s Annual International Conference (National Society of Professional Engineers)Recorded: August 2021. . . Synopsis: Learn how to use the art of improvisational communication (improv) to cross the chasm separating the worlds of design and management. Harnessing Your inner Creative Warrior for SuccessLocation: CLCON Conference, Boston, MA Recorded: May 2019 . . .Synopsis: You already possess a great source of creative power. It’s time to learn how to tap into it to make big things happen in your life. Harnessing the Power of Preparation for Public Speaking ExcellenceLocation: District Leadership Summit, New York, NY Recorded: February 2020 . . .Synopsis: Every successful presentation begins with a well-prepared outline, including your impromptu speaking opportunities at work. Use my A-R-M prompting technique to prepare to wing it, well. Sherpa Seth’s Page2Stage Public Speaking ExcellenceLocation: Live Program taught on ZoomRecorded: September 2020 . . . Synopsis: This is the finale of my live six week program called“Page2Stage: Your Bold Journey to the Peak of Public Speaking Excellence“ Creative Thinking for Project ManagersLocation: PMI Global Convention, Philadelphia, PA Recorded: October 2019 . . .Synopsis: Learn how to use the power of divergent thinking to create a culture collaboration for your project team. Pitch Perfect for AuthorsLocation: San Francisco Writers Conference, SF, CARecorded: February 2020. . .Synopsis: Learn how to harness the power of the written word for public speaking excellence.