New Course: The Power of (Good) Storytelling

Unleash the Transformative Power of Storytelling at Your Next Presentation!

At any moment during any random day of the week, you can be called upon to deliver a clear, concise and compelling presentation to your team, stakeholders or leadership. But, truth be told, you know that presentations are not as impactful as they could be. And your audiences are not as engaged as they could be. You wish you could improve your presentation in a way that inspires your audiences to smile back at you, nod in understanding and remember your key messages long after they leave your meeting. The solution to your problem is not the content of your presentation, but the form of your delivery. Data-heavy powerpoint slides just won’t cut it.

What you need is a way to present your ideas in a manner that everyone appreciates and remembers. Do you remember listening to a good storyteller when you were younger? I bet you do. Remember how that story would grab your attention, pull you immediately into the action and make you feel energized? I bet you remember some of those good stories now, so many years later. That’s magical. That’s the power of storytelling.

Are you ready to harness that transformational power of storytelling to take your next presentation, your career, and even your life to the next level? 

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Course Description:

Your job as a project professional is to present your ideas in a clear and concise manner in order to inspire your audience to take action promptly. You’ll learn the four steps to developing a story that is well-organized, captivating and memorable. During the sessions, you’ll design a personal story which you can use to level up the impact of your next presentation.

All four sessions of the course will be conducted live on Zoom. They will run for four consecutive Wednesdays starting at on October 2, 2024 at 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time.

Session 1 (October 2, 7:00-8:30pm): What You Need to Know to Prepare for Your Next Presentation

At this initial session you’ll learn about the four fundamental elements you’ll need to recognize in order to prepare for your next presentation. These are the guide posts for your story and are represented by the acronym R.A.M.P. : Reason, Audience, Meeting, and Point. During this session, you will learn:

      • four purposes of communication and how to choose the right one for your next presentation
      • different types of audiences and call to action scenarios
      • formats that a meeting can take and the purpose each serves
      • specific message, idea or issue that your story will be designed to support 

Session 2 (October 9, 7:00-8:00pm): Discover Your Raw Story Ideas and Develop a Story Library

This session is focused on collecting multiple story ideas from your personal experience that can be utilized as a starting point to develop and refine your idea into well-organized and impactful story. We’ll cover where to look for your raw story ideas (think: uncut diamonds), where to store them and how to select the single best idea to move forward with. During this session, you will learn:

      • where to look for raw story ideas from your personal experience and other sources
      • how to use the popular themes for project professionals called ‘power skills’
      • how to select the right raw idea to support the message, idea or issue of your story 

Session 3 (October 16, 7:00-8:30pm): Craft Your Idea with the SPARC Story Structure

Description: Now that you have chosen a story idea you want to work with, it’s time to hone it into a cohesive and meaningful whole using the five structural elements represented by the acronym SPARC…Situation, Problem, Action, Resolution, Conclusion. We’ll cover how to refine your story so it motivates your audience to take the action you want them to take after your presentation is finished. During this session, you will learn:

      • how to hone your raw idea into a compelling story for your next presentation
      • how to bring your abstract ideas to life with specificity
      • how to choose the right set of personal experiences to develop a story that flows from start to finish

Session 4 (October 23, 7:00-8:00pm): Tap Into Your Storytelling Flow for Maximum Impact

This is where story and storyteller meet. You’ll learn how to present your story with confidence, conviction and clarity. I’ll show you how to tap into your authentic speaking self by maintaining your conscious focus within the powerful present moment. This is how you’ll engage your audience with maximum impact. During this session, you will learn:

      • where to find your inner source of speaking confidence called flow
      • how to clear your mind of apprehension before presenting your story
      • how to be a whole brain thinker by connecting with your creative, storytelling mind

Course Registration:

Including well-crafted compelling stories at strategic points within your presentation will bring it to life and keep it that way long after your audience has left the room. Storytelling can be your competitive edge. That’s the very real power of storytelling for project professionals.

Do you want to learn how to find your raw story ideas and then how to hone them into a beautiful narrative gem? If so, you’ve come to the right place… 

My four session course is ready to roll and I want you to begin your epic storytelling journey with me. To maximize participation I accept a limited number of students. Cut off for registration is September 30. The standard price for my full course is $994. I’m currently offering a 50% discount for early birders who register prior to September 15 at $497. I accept payments in three ways:   Venmo: @Seth-Greenwald-4

PayPal Business on the App Store   PayPal:

Snail Mail    Snail Mail: email me for address

I look forward to meeting you at my first session on October 30. If you have a question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to meemail Sherpa Seth